What our customers are saying
Since ancient times, the practice of Ayurveda has helped people with all known health concerns. In the ancient scriptures it is said that any prolonged imbalance amongst the elements in our body can can manifest into illness. Our practitioners focus on the root causes of these imbalances.
Ayurveda is complimentary to any other options that you may be pursuing. Many appreciate the complimentry nature of how plants and lifestyle changes can help speed your journey to recovery or reach your full potential.
This can vary depending on the condition and on how easily we can implement the suggestions from the Ayurveda Practitioner.
Ayurveda practitioners use numerous tools online to help determine one’s imbalance including visual and audio cues, combined with discussion, to help determine the body’s imbalance
Please email events.usa@srisritattva.com for any questions or support.
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